Funding your Professional Development

There are several ways to fund your Professional Development at Oregon State University. Regardless of the funding source, it is important to provide a justification document to your supervisor and/or any other stakeholders. This document will first enumerate funding sources and requirements, then guide you in the creation of a funding request document.

Instructor P.D. Funding

All 1.0 FTE 9-month or 12-month Online Instructors in Computer Science in the School of EECS are provided with up to $1,500 per fiscal year (7/01 - 6/30) of funds earmarked for professional development. These funds can also supplement professional development funded through another source which may not fully cover expenses. Other costs it can be used to pay for include, but are not limited to, courses, learning materials and supplies, and conferences. If you have an idea which isn’t listed here, please contact your supervisor to verify that it is something which can be funded.

The best way to get approval for professional development is to follow this procedure

  1. Get approved for a Concur Expense Card ({:target=”_blank”}
  2. Create a New Expense on Concur and provide all details relevant to the expense (whether it be a conference, a course, a book, etc…)

For more training on all things Concur, check the Concur Training Videos

Ecampus Research Funding

Oregon State Ecampus provides Professional Development Funds for learning in the areas of Online/Distance and Hybrid Education, up to $5,000 per person per term, with the small caveat that you must present the information you learned at one of the several annual Ecampus Special Events. The above website has details on timing and applications. This money can be used toward…

  • Webinar registration
  • Conference registration, travel, and lodging
  • Personal library additions
  • Online course fees
  • Professional workshops

Funding Proposal Guide

To ensure your approval receives full consideration, please make sure to include information relating to the following (if it applies):

  • Title, Location, and Dates of Event
  • Description of the activity
  • Any related materials to purchase, with costs
  • Links to relevant registration, course, or conference pages
  • A statement of the topic or question the professional development opportunity will help the you address
  • Intended learning outcomes
  • Other information as relevant to describe the opportunity
  • A budget breakdown including
    • Total Amount Requested
    • Explanation of how the money will be spent, broken down by expense type (Registration, Additional Materials, Travel, Lodging, Per Diem, etc…)

For additional assistance in generating a proposal document, see this Example.